How To Terminate A Gift Agreement

How To Terminate A Gift Agreement
How To Terminate A Gift Agreement

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Today, situations are not uncommon when, after the conclusion of a donation agreement, you are deceived and do not fulfill the obligations provided for in this agreement. It is possible that after the conclusion of such an agreement, you simply changed your mind about donating your property and want to terminate the agreement. What to do in such a situation, is it possible to refuse this donation agreement and return your property?

How to terminate at agreement
How to terminate at agreement


Step 1

Seek help from a lawyer, while preparing the following documents: a donation agreement signed by both parties and notarized, a certificate from the BTI, a copy of the passport, a certificate from the place of work. In doing so, provide a valid reason why you want to terminate the contract.

Step 2

Demand the termination of the donation agreement for movable or immovable property, or other valuable property if the gifted person deliberately committed illegal actions or even an attempt on the life of the donor or his family. In the event that the gifted person nevertheless committed a crime and killed the donor, then his heirs have the right to terminate the donation agreement.

Step 3

Terminate the contract if the gifted person can cause irreparable damage to your property or irrevocably sell or lose property and other value, important and expensive for the donor.

Step 4

Terminate the donation agreement if the gifted by his actions or careless attitude can spoil or even destroy the historical, scientific, cultural value transferred to him as a gift.

Step 5

Having terminated the donation agreement, the gifted person is obliged to return the gift to you intact. Naturally, the donor can donate any thing that belongs to him on the basis of the right of private property. However, after the donation contract is terminated in court, the ownership of the property is transferred back to the donor. And he is already the full owner of his property.
