In enterprises, employees are paid along with their salary a bonus, which is an integral part of wages. The amount of the award is established by the management of the organization and is prescribed in local regulations or collective agreements. Bonuses for employees are approved by the order of the director and are paid according to the payroll.

- - collective agreement or local regulation;
- - company documents;
- - order form for personnel;
- - the form of the memo;
- - payslip.
Step 1
The salary is paid to the employee for the performance of the labor duties prescribed in the job description. And the bonus is paid for the results that the employee has shown in a month. In some companies, the amount of bonuses is calculated for the fulfillment, overfulfillment of the plan. The cases for which the remuneration is due are prescribed in the collective agreement or local regulation of the organization. One of the documents is attached to the internal labor regulations, signed by each specialist of the enterprise. Thus, the employees agree with all the points specified in the act or collective agreement.
Step 2
The head of the structural unit where the employee is registered writes a memo addressed to the general director of the organization. It indicates the personal data of the employee, the amount of the bonus (percentage of the salary or a fixed amount), as well as the result achieved in the month for which the specialist is entitled to a monetary remuneration. The note is reviewed by the director, corrected (if necessary), endorsed.
Step 3
Based on the memo of the head of the department where the employee works, the director of the enterprise issues an order. The document is drawn up in any form and is internal. In the administrative part, the personal data of the employee, his position, the amount of the bonus (percentage of salary or the amount of money) are prescribed in accordance with the memo of the head of the service.
Step 4
Responsibility for the execution of the document rests with the payroll accountant. The order is certified by the signature of the director, the seal of the organization. The employee, who is entitled to the bonus, reads the document against receipt. In the line of acquaintance, the person in charge, who was appointed by the director, is signed.
Step 5
The bonus is issued to a specialist together with a salary according to the payroll. The remuneration is an integral part of the salary, but its amount is written on a separate line.