If your job responsibilities, place and mode of work, job title and amount of payment have changed, this means that you have been transferred to another permanent job. Is the translation correct?

Step 1
The transfer can be carried out at the request of the employee or by agreement between the employee and the employer. In the first case, an application is written with a request for transfer to a vacant position, in the second, an act of job offer is drawn up and an agreement is drawn up on amending the employment contract.
Step 2
As a rule, the employee expresses a desire (writes an application) for a transfer with the improvement of essential working conditions. This can be a more highly paid position, the location of the workplace closer to the place of residence, a decrease in the volume of official duties, the performance of work in the main profile of education, etc.
If there is a desire to transfer with the deterioration of working conditions, it is better to reflect in the application its reason.
An application for permanent transfer to a vacant position is written in any form addressed to the head of the organization. It is desirable to indicate in it those qualities of yours that allow you to apply for this position.
Step 3
If the initiative for the transfer comes from the employer, two options are possible:
• promotion to a higher position;
• transfer to a lower paid position.
Step 4
When the position of a manager of any level is vacated in an enterprise, a submission is drawn up in the name of the head of the enterprise by the personnel management service. It provides a detailed rationale for the appointment of an employee to this position. Information such as the applicant's education, work experience, achievements at the previous place of work, the availability of rewards, age, advanced training courses, etc. are very important.
After studying the applicant's personal file, conducting an interview, the submission is approved or rejected by the head.
Step 5
The need to transfer to a lower-paid position arises in such cases as:
• impossibility to continue working in the previous position for health reasons or as a result of certification;
• Carrying out reductions in staff or number of employees.
If there is a need for such a transfer, the employee is offered a different, lower-paid job in writing (an act of job offer). In case of consent, the employee signs the act with his own hand.
An example of an entry in the act: "for the proposed position … … I give my consent." Below is the number and signature.
Step 6
A specialist of the personnel department, having received a statement or act approved by the head of the organization, draws up all the necessary documents:
• order for the personnel of the T-5 form;
• additional agreement to the employment contract;
• makes an entry in the work book;
• makes an entry in the personal card T-2.
The employee gets acquainted with all the documents against signature.