Where To Complain About The Boss

Where To Complain About The Boss
Where To Complain About The Boss

Table of contents:


Conflicts with a manager can happen for every employee. Sometimes they are ad hoc and are resolved on a routine basis. But often there is an outright violation of the rights of the employee and the norms of labor legislation. The Labor Code gives everyone the right to defend their rights.

Where to complain about the boss
Where to complain about the boss


Documents confirming violation of the employee's rights


Step 1

Use an administrative resource to resolve a labor conflict. If the violation of your rights is related to the actions of the head of a structural unit, file a complaint with your higher management. A competent leader will not allow the conflict to go beyond the organization and will take measures to restore your rights if they have really been violated.

Step 2

Contact your trade union organization. A strong union that enjoys the trust of the collective and the respect of the management is able to defend the violated rights of the employee. If the enterprise is part of a larger association, the union can involve more serious forces in the resolution of the conflict in the form of a joint legal service.

Step 3

File a complaint with the regional State Labor Inspectorate. Find out the address and contact numbers of this service. Find out which of the inspection staff oversees your organization. Make an appointment.

Step 4

Formulate your claims to the manager. You need to concretize the complaint, indicating the exact facts of the violation of your labor rights. Make your grievances in writing, making the complaint look like an official document. Employees of the labor inspection will help you to draw up and arrange papers correctly.

Step 5

Attach documents to the complaint confirming the fact that your boss violated your rights. These can be copies of an employment contract and work book, job descriptions, accounting documents, copies of orders to impose a penalty.

Step 6

Submit a package of documents to the labor inspectorate by registering an appeal with the office. Your complaint will be reviewed within a month. After examining the circumstances of the case, the inspector, if necessary, will request additional documents from your management, draw up an act and send an order to the company demanding to eliminate the violations identified and restore your legal rights. The management of the enterprise is obliged to report to the labor inspectorate about the decision taken under this order.
