How To Approve The Staffing Table

How To Approve The Staffing Table
How To Approve The Staffing Table

Table of contents:


The staffing table is an internal document that contains a list of structural divisions and the number of staff units assigned to them. At the same time, for each staff unit, the name of the position, specialty, profession is determined with an indication of qualifications. This is a document related to unified forms of primary accounting documentation, which is filled in according to unified form No. T-3 and approved by the relevant order.

How to approve the staffing table
How to approve the staffing table


Step 1

The staffing table is developed by employees of the personnel department, accounting, planning and economic or legal department on behalf of the head of the enterprise. If necessary, the responsibility for drawing it up can be assigned to a specific employee, about which a separate order is drawn up. The staffing table is invalid without its approval by the relevant order, as evidenced by the inscription on its first sheet: "Approved by order" indicating the number and date of the order.

Step 2

The staffing table is approved, usually at the beginning of the calendar year and is effective from the first day of the month to facilitate payroll, which changes with its introduction. By order of the head, all changes that are made to it are approved.

Step 3

If changes were not made or were minor, annual re-approval is not required, in this case it is enough to issue only a list of changes as an appendix to the staffing table.

Step 4

The order of the head, who approves the staffing table, may not contain the ascertaining part, since no explanations and additional grounds for the introduction of the staffing table are required. It can begin immediately with the words "I order", and the text only indicates that the staffing table is approved with a staff of so many people and with such and such a monthly wage fund.

Step 5

If there are certain reasons that required the introduction of a new staffing table, then in this case they must be reflected in the ascertaining part of the order.

Step 6

The order must be signed by the head of the enterprise or a person authorized to sign it. The dates when the staffing table was drawn up, approved and came into effect are usually different. The date of its introduction, after which it entered into force, is always later than the dates of its preparation and approval.
