When drawing up a staffing table, as a rule, there are no problems with key employees. But people who work part-time raise the question of economists and personnel workers, how exactly to reflect part-time workers in the schedule?

Step 1
A common mistake is trying to demonstrate the actual number of employees in the firm on the staffing table. Naturally, there are no questions about the positions held by the main employees. As for part-time employees, they are trying to reflect them with fractional numbers, according to the rate, for example, 0, 4 or 0, 5 state units. This approach is not the most suitable, since it complicates the work, although it would seem that it allows you to take into account working hours and calculate the salary of a part-time employee. Please note that there is simply no such thing as a "rate" in the Labor Code, so in the staffing table it is worth operating only with integers, that is, the position held by a part-time worker must be indicated as a unit.
Step 2
This option is convenient because even if not one person, but two, works in this position, or you want to hire a main employee instead of part-time employees, you will not have to edit your staffing table. As for the apparent difficulties with payroll, they are easily eliminated by a correctly drawn up employment contract for part-time workers. For example, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that a part-time worker cannot work more than 16 hours a week, which is 40% at a rate of 40 hours a week for full-time employment. Accordingly, if you are going to assign a part-time salary or hourly wage, simply indicate in the contract 40% of the full-time salary. However, your part-time worker may well receive a salary equal to the regular rate, if it is directly related to the job successfully performed. In a situation with piecework wages, it is better to use a planned system that allows you not to tie the income of a part-time worker to the salary of a similar main employee.