How To Organize A Seminar In

How To Organize A Seminar In
How To Organize A Seminar In

Table of contents:


The seminar is the most important marketing tool that allows you not only to maintain contacts with customers, but also to increase sales. A well-designed plan largely determines the success of the event. It helps to calculate resources, attract participants, and foresee force majeure. Let's consider the necessary stages of preparation using the example of a seminar on the promotion of a new product or service.

How to organize a seminar
How to organize a seminar


Projector, white screen, laptop, microphone, board


Step 1

The seminar program is determined by its purpose. If you want to present, for example, new software, it is advisable to provide several presentations. In one, to indicate the urgency of the problem, in the other - to present the product itself, and in the end tell about the experience of its implementation. After the reports, especially if they are informative, it is necessary to leave time for questions, as well as organize a coffee break for the participants.

Step 2

"As you name the boat, so it will float" - says popular wisdom. This fully applies to the theme of the event. It should be not only relevant, but also correctly formulated, consistent with the topic of the seminar. The topic can be asked in an interrogative form, for example, "How to organize budgeting?" or have an exclamation mark at the end - "Meet: Internet Trading!" The main thing is that it should be interesting and well remembered.

Step 3

Before setting the date for the workshop, find out if it coincides with other important events. You should not schedule an event before holidays, weekends, and also during mass vacations - there is a risk of losing a significant part of the audience.

Step 4

Choose an easily accessible location for the seminar, preferably located in the city center. Rent a room in a business center, hotel, cinema. A small event can also take place in your office, subject to the availability of appropriate technical capabilities.

Step 5

Assign the list of potential participants to the sales department. They should know which companies or individuals might be interested in the topic. If there is no "accumulated" base yet, you can order it from a news agency. When determining the number of invitees, take into account the fact that out of 100 invitees, about 20 will express a desire to come, and at best 10 participants will attend the seminar. Therefore, lay in the necessary "stock".

Step 6

This is perhaps the most important stage in organizing an event, since the number of participants depends on it. Prepare press release, graphic layouts, design invitation text. Experts recommend conducting an advertising campaign through several channels: telemarketing, advertising in the media, posting information on the corporate website. If your company's website is well known, put a registration form on it.

Step 7

Indicate the deadline by which the specialists should prepare reports. It is advisable to set this date in advance in order to be able to make adjustments. The reports should be consistent in a uniform corporate style, carry important and interesting information. It will be more convenient for listeners to perceive the information if the brief abstracts of the reports are put on a separate sheet.

Step 8

As a rule, handouts include a notebook, a pen, advertising brochures, product samples. Stock up on business cards for speakers and managers that attendees will interact with during the event. To receive feedback, prepare a questionnaire for the seminar participants.

Step 9

Make a list of participants two days before the date of the workshop. Instruct the secretary to prepare handouts and badges for participants and presenters. Conduct a "dress rehearsal": listen to the reports again, make sure that all the equipment is working. Remember: the bulk of the work is over, and it will definitely bear fruit.
