According to the Federal Law "On Defense" No. 61-FZ, military registration should be organized at all enterprises in Russia - a registration system for citizens liable for military service. According to this law, all persons liable for military service and persons subject to conscription, upon concluding an employment contract, are obliged to submit military registration documents to the personnel department. Therefore, it is necessary to organize military registration in the organization immediately after the staff is recruited.

Step 1
Register and put on military registration your enterprise in the military commissariat immediately after its registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and tax registration. First contact the military commissariat and specify the list of documents required to register the organization for military registration, since local authorities have the right to establish their own requirements.
Step 2
Calculate the number of personnel in the personnel department who will deal directly with military registration issues. If the planned number of employees of the enterprise is large, then 1 released employee will be required for every 2000 employees of the enterprise liable for military service. If there are less than 500 of them, then any part-time employee of the personnel department can carry out military registration.
Step 3
Determine the number of conscripts and conscripted employees of the company. Do not forget to include women who have received an education equivalent to a military profession. Issue an order on the organization of military registration at your enterprise, in which you should appoint personnel responsible for this work.
Step 4
Prepare a work plan for maintaining military records, which must be signed by the head of the enterprise. Check this plan with the military commissar. Make lists of workers in the enterprise who are in stock.
Step 5
Develop open reference information for those employees of the organization who are subject to military registration. Indicate in it their responsibilities, duties and procedures in the event of the imposition of martial law. Familiarize with this document the military-liable employees under the signature.
Step 6
Familiarize personnel of the personnel department responsible for maintaining military records with the "Instruction of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on maintaining military records in organizations" and determine, in accordance with this document, the range of responsibilities of each. Describe these responsibilities in job descriptions.