Are you faced with the task of conducting a seminar? Do not be alarmed! This is an excellent field for displaying your talents. The seminar can be both educational, and educational, and problematic event, depending on the goals set. But in any case, this is an open form of interaction and exchange of experience between the participants. Based on this, you can apply any methods and forms of training, activating thought processes and uniting participants.

- premises,
- invitations,
- stationery,
- computer, interactive whiteboard or flip chart,
- handouts and information materials
Step 1
Specify or define the topic of the seminar, formulate the exact name, the goals pursued and the tasks that will need to be solved at the seminar. Write it all down on a piece of paper. Specify who will be a participant in the seminar - what will be the target audience by occupation and level of competence. Based on this, you can build the material, determine the type of presentation, whether it will be sufficiently detailed, or informational.
Step 2
Consider the time required for the workshop. This is influenced not only by the importance and complexity of the goals set, but also by your own resources. The time taken can be from an hour to two days. Accordingly, schedule breaks and coffee breaks that are adequate for the duration of the workshop.
Step 3
Make a plan for the workshop - what issues and in what sequence will be raised. The most important thing is, after all, the content, pay special attention to it. Consider how all participants will benefit. Which techniques will be used - whether presentations, round tables, work in groups, or others, choose based on your goals. When composing and assembling the content of the seminar, take into account the rules for presenting information, waves of listeners' efficiency. Alternate video and audio materials, accompany the speech with illustrations. Think over in detail the course and logical conclusion of the seminar.
Step 4
Get started with organizational matters. Prepare a venue for the workshop. Find a room in advance and agree on the terms of its use. Read it in detail so as not to waste time solving unforeseen troubles during the seminar.
Step 5
Notify the participants of the seminar in advance about the time, place and conditions of its holding. Send out invitations or advertise in special publications, media.
Step 6
Prepare handouts: memos, brochures, questionnaires, questionnaires. Provide consumables: paper, pens, pencils, other stationery. For coffee breaks, prepare disposable dishes, a kettle, and maybe something else that your budget allows.
Step 7
During the seminar, be collected, meet the invitees kindly, without fuss. Don't allow yourself to be late or delay the start of the workshop. After welcoming, inform the participants about the purpose of the event, provide guidance on the planned breaks. During the workshop, you can build on your plan so you don't miss anything. Keep your handouts tidy and within reach.