When writing a resume, job seekers often ask questions: "Do I need to add my photo?", "If yes, what kind of photo should it be?" We will answer these and other questions.

Should I post my photo on my resume?
The question is controversial. Personnel officers do not have a clear answer "yes" or "no", so each applicant decides for himself.
Most HR managers say that a photo is necessary, because it allows you to create a complete picture of the applicant for the vacancy. Therefore, a resume with a photo is more informative.
On the other hand, a lot depends on the vacancy itself. For example, a number of positions (receptionist, receptionist, etc.) put forward the presence of a photo as a mandatory requirement. If a programmer, engineer is looking for a job, then, on the contrary, the issue of photography is less relevant.
In addition, photo resumes stand out from the background, attract attention, which increases the chances of being noticed. The results of a study conducted on one of the job search sites confirm this: more than 67% of employers single out in the general stream those applicants who have attached a photo to their resume. Let's not forget that the main task of a resume is to interest the employer and motivate him to communicate with you.
What should be the photo?
The job seeker should remember that photography is the first visual contact with the HR manager, so the photo must meet certain requirements.
First, the image must be of good quality. The face should be clearly visible. The expression on the face is benevolent, a smile is allowed.
Secondly, the style of clothing is business-like, modest. The best option is a passport photo (face and shoulders), but more "informal" and attractive.
Thirdly, a minimum of cosmetics and jewelry. In the photo, the applicant should look the way he looks in real life, without Photoshop.
If you want to emphasize your belonging to the profession, a photo taken at the workplace is suitable.
Where to post a photo?
There are two options: either attach it in a separate file, but this is not very convenient for the HR manager, or reduce the photo and place it in the resume at the beginning of the sheet (optimally, in the upper right corner).