When writing a resume, a person has to decide whether to place a photo in it or not. It will attract the attention of potential employers, but will it help to get an offer from them?

Step 1
If there are a lot of responses to a vacancy, then there is little chance that everyone will be viewed. No matter how brilliantly a resume is composed, no matter how rich experience the sender may have, it risks remaining unread. Photography is a great way to grab the attention of a recruiter. She will surely be noticed, since most job seekers do not attach pictures to their resume. Some employers (about 4% according to the Superjob.ru portal) ignore a resume without a photo. On recruiting sites, the ability to hide the proposals of "faceless" candidates has been implemented.
Step 2
Sometimes people respond to a vacancy with almost the same resume. They write about themselves in typical phrases. How to choose between “sociable, responsible and morally stable”? It is not always possible to delay the search process, waiting for more creative applicants to appear. Photos come to the rescue. Choosing a candidate for a position based on appearance is not the best option, but sometimes there is no alternative to this method.
Step 3
In some cases, the employer needs to assess the degree of conformity of the applicant's appearance to the position for which he is applying. For example, if a person's responsibilities will include communicating with the company's clients, conducting trainings, participating in negotiations.
Step 4
Not only job seekers, but also recruiters prepare for the interview. In order to do this as successfully as possible, they need to have as complete an understanding of the candidate as possible, to collect as much information as possible. A photo in a resume allows you to evaluate not only the external data of the applicant, but also to get an idea of his psychological qualities: maturity, ability to work in a team, openness, purposefulness. Therefore, a person needs to think carefully about which picture to place on a resume.
Step 5
Having received a photograph of the applicant, the recruiter has the opportunity to compare the impression of the external appearance of the candidate and the information contained in the resume. It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to test how honest a person was when talking about their skills and personality traits. The snapshot provides objective data.
Step 6
The presence of a photograph in the resume indicates that the author has devoted enough time to compiling it, which means that he approaches the issue of job search seriously. He was not afraid to show his face, showed himself to be an open person, ready to make contact.