The main method of work of psychologists, sociologists, marketers and other researchers is questioning. But not only in these areas of activity questionnaires can be used. Many people have to fill them out when entering an educational institution, when applying for a job and in many other life situations. It is not at all easy to draw up a questionnaire correctly, as it might seem at first glance.

Step 1
At the very beginning of the questionnaire, the questions should be easy. Further, they can be tricky. At the end of the questionnaire, when the respondent is already tired, it is advisable to put a couple of interesting questions for him.
Step 2
The questions included in any questionnaire should not be ambiguous. For example, the question "What is your income?" can mean both the respondent's income and the income of his entire family. By the way, we can talk about both salary and additional earnings.
Step 3
The questionnaire should be composed only of simple questions that do not contain complicated wording and terms unfamiliar to most people. Each question should be clear, concise, articulated.
Step 4
When compiling the questionnaire, one should not allow the respondent to be nudged towards a definite answer to the question. Therefore, it is unacceptable to start the questionnaire questions with the words "Do you think that …?", "Do you agree …?", "Do you like …?".
Step 5
You should not include in the questionnaire questions that exceed the memory capacity of the person answering them. For example, the respondent is unlikely to be able to quickly and accurately answer the question "How much money did you spend on buying toothpaste in the last year?"
Step 6
The questionnaire should be composed of such questions, the answers to which the respondent knows exactly, remembers and is ready to discuss them with a stranger.
Step 7
One of the most important requirements for the questionnaire is respect for the respondent. That is why it should not include questions that can cause negative emotions, shame or embarrassment in a person.
Step 8
The questionnaire, to which the respondent answers within 20 minutes or even longer, usually testifies to the lack of professional training of the organizers of the study.
Step 9
A correctly drawn up questionnaire does not raise any questions from the respondents, and also does not require any additional explanations.