How To Write A Testimonial For A Job

How To Write A Testimonial For A Job
How To Write A Testimonial For A Job

Table of contents:


The genre of characterization from the place of work as a component of the employment process can be considered hopelessly outdated. Now it has been replaced by a recommendation borrowed from Western corporate culture. Abroad, where there are no work books, this is the only documentary evidence of work experience. In Russia, the availability of recommendations is at least an additional plus, and sometimes a mandatory requirement for a candidate.

How to write a testimonial for a job
How to write a testimonial for a job


  • - computer;
  • - text editor;
  • - Printer.


Step 1

The recommendation, first of all, should confirm the fact of the person's work in the company and inform about the scope of his duties and how well he coped with them. This document is written on letterhead. You can title it "Letter of recommendation", but the option "Recommendation" is quite let's say. The second line usually contains the name of the recommended one, for example (in the center of the line):

Letter of recommendation

Ivanov Vasily Petrovich.

Step 2

The generally accepted form of this document is as follows: “I hereby confirm that the full name worked in…. (full company name) from … to … in the following positions: … "Positions are listed in a column without numbering (with a dash at the beginning of the line), but numbered, indicating the period of work:" … from 01.2009 to 08.2010 - head of the sales department; …"

Step 3

The next part of the letter is devoted to the terms of reference for each of the positions held. The introductory part, as a rule, is formulated: "The duties of Vasily Petrovich Ivanov included the following: …".

The following lists the responsibilities for each of the positions: in a list without numbering or numbered.

For example: “- in the position of the head of the sales department:…”. It can be summarized that the recommended one coped well with all the duties, but not necessarily.

Step 4

It will also not be superfluous to emphasize significant career milestones that have not received formal reflection. For example, the expansion of the area of responsibility within one position and the period in which such a decision was made. If necessary, you can also indicate the reasons.

Step 5

In the end, one can say about the reasons for the employee's departure from the company (for example, receiving an offer that he found more interesting, or a super difficult economic situation, which forced a significant reduction in staff). It will not be superfluous to mention the desire to see the recommended person again in his state, but only if it is really present.

Step 6

When signing the document, the referee must indicate his position, surname, name, patronymic and contacts for communication. Among the latter, a mobile phone and a personal email address are preferable: you never know how the fate of the company or the career of the referrer himself will turn out. But no one is obliged to provide their personal data in the document: only at will. The finished document must be printed, certified with the signature of the referee. Printing is optional (moreover, a non-financial document on letterhead is valid without it). But with it the recommendation looks more solid.
