If your business has suffered greatly due to a global or local crisis, this does not mean the beginning of the end. This fact only testifies to the fact that in the near future the entire enterprise needs to work as a single team according to a precisely verified plan. Here are some tips on what to do.

Step 1
Assemble a responsible team. During a crisis, one of the most important resources is information. The bosses must receive the most accurate statistics at the moment in order to accurately and correctly respond to events. Assign responsibility for each area of information and indicate a time frame for when and who should provide you with the summary. If a person does not cope, one should not hope for his correction, but replace him with someone else.
Step 2
Build a hierarchy led by a specific person. As a rule, this is a director or a similar person. If in your enterprise each department is more or less "independent" during the crisis, this system should be suspended and one person should give commands to the departments.
Step 3
Start the work of the "sleepy" units. As in the human body, if some part gets sick, then the whole body begins to struggle with the problem, so everyone at the enterprise must fight the crisis. Pay special attention to the advertising and PR department. Do not let the public "drown" you, and we are talking about both internal and external. Stay ahead of the action, present your information in the light you want.
Step 4
Use the experience of other companies. Look for similar situations from other companies. Pay attention to how they fixed their problems and whether they were fixed by the way the company worked. Even if you do not find a single positive case, you will already know what you definitely should not do.