It is very difficult for aspiring entrepreneurs, small business owners to provide themselves with orders. In order to find customers, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure the well-coordinated work of the enterprise itself and declare oneself as a reliable partner.

Step 1
Contact your local small business support fund. Submit your application for participation in the competition for the state order. Before doing this, keep track of all information published in regional business newsletters. But, unfortunately, for many reasons, the publications may not publish information about all tenders.
Step 2
Review your business plan. If you compiled it yourself when organizing the company, involve specialists to make possible adjustments. Contact your investors (if any) and agree with them on all possible changes.
Step 3
Find investors for your enterprise and indicate the prospects for cooperation with you, subject to new investments that you will spend on the purchase of new (or additional) equipment.
Step 4
Choose from orders offered by public or private customers only those that can be provided by the production facilities of your enterprise, without the involvement of additional employees or subcontractors.
Step 5
If funds permit, engage in training and retraining of personnel to make your company more attractive in the eyes of customers.
Step 6
Conduct market research and repurpose the enterprise depending on which products supplied to the regional and all-Russian markets are most in demand.
Step 7
Create a website for your company, where you can place information about the company, product catalogs, articles on the direction of your business, a constantly updated block of industry news.
Step 8
Optimize your sales and transport operations in your enterprise so that potential customers don't hear rumors about your unnecessary work.