An individual's income is all material benefits that he received from other persons (not counting municipalities and the state) as a result of his labor or business activities, as well as as a result of other reasons, and which improve his financial situation in general.

Data on the income of an individual for a calendar year, data on deductions and exemptions provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Income Tax"
Step 1
Determine the gross total income of an individual for a calendar year (this is all his income during the year minus all withdrawals and deductions).
Step 2
Determine the total net annual income, it is the difference between the gross income received during the calendar year, and the documented expenses for the receipt of these income.
Step 3
Take into account in the calculations income received in kind at state regulated prices, if they are absent, then at market prices at the date of receipt of income.
Step 4
Define taxable gross income (taxable base) as the difference between gross annual net income and the benefits provided by the Income Tax Act.