How To Get A Certificate Of Income

How To Get A Certificate Of Income
How To Get A Certificate Of Income

An income statement is a document that is required in many situations: obtaining a loan from a bank, receiving social benefits, relations with a pension fund. As a rule, in order to receive a certificate of income, it is enough to contact the accounting department of your company, and it will be made quickly and without unnecessary problems for a person interested in obtaining a certificate.

How to get a certificate of income
How to get a certificate of income

However, there are situations when it is more difficult to obtain a certificate of income:

  1. The company in which you work has been liquidated. As a rule, such a situation arises when it is necessary to confirm income for calculating a pension, that is, a lot of time has passed since the time of work at the enterprise. First of all, try to find the archive of the enterprise, or contact its liquidator. If attempts to find the necessary documents are unsuccessful, the fact of receipt of income can be established in court.
  2. You are a self-employed entrepreneur. In this case, the income statement is replaced by a tax declaration for the relevant period, with a note on its acceptance by the tax authority. In addition, you can contact the tax authority directly with a request for a certificate of income, and within 5 days they will be issued a certificate indicating the amounts of income indicated in your declaration. In some cases, the data on imputed income does not suit the bank, then the income will have to be confirmed by other accounting documents.

Note that many scammers offer to make fake income statements indicating any amount of income. Of course, a large amount of income will help you get a more significant loan, but it should be remembered that illegal obtaining a loan is a crime. There are other ways to increase the amount of allocated money:

  1. Tell the bank about your other income. When issuing a loan, many banks agree to take into account income from renting real estate, part-time jobs, interest on deposits and even the income of a spouse.
  2. Contact several banks.
  3. Even in the absence of a "white" salary, reflected in the income statement, there is an opportunity to confirm your ability to pay and income level. As a rule, this can be done by filling out a special form at the bank.
  4. The easiest way to confirm black income is if it is regularly credited to a bank account, such as a credit card. The account statement will be a confirmation of income, which will suit the bank.