You decided to change your occupation, but doubts do not give rest - what if you will not be able to prove yourself in a new field? Perhaps your profession, chosen in early youth, has long ceased to bring joy and material reward and leaves much to be desired. We will show you how to change the type of activity without risking being left penniless.

Step 1
Do not abruptly quit your usual occupation. It makes sense to find a source of income first, in case your new job doesn't turn out to be profitable right away. Part-time work in a field that is familiar to you is best suited as a fallback.
Step 2
Leave a few hours a day looking for a new activity. Decide what you would like to do. To do this, you can take a career guidance test or remember what you were fond of as a child.
Step 3
Consider turning your favorite hobby into a profession. Whether you are a great knit, cook, or grow flowers, there will always be people who will pay you to do the job.
Step 4
List all the skills that you possess. Assess your skills. But don't be too picky, remember that you have the right to make mistakes. Over time, you will learn to more accurately determine the degree of your professionalism in the chosen field.
Step 5
Ask friends for advice and an assessment of your skills. Sometimes people around us see our hidden talents better than ourselves.
Step 6
Once you've decided what you do best, practice to build confidence. Then find people who might benefit from your services. It is most convenient to do this via the Internet, but it will not be superfluous to notify your friends.
Step 7
Don't be discouraged by failure. At first, finding yourself in a new business will be difficult. Be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to work for a very small fee or even for free. Agree to free work, do not consider this time wasted. Think of these suggestions as opportunities to practice.
Step 8
Don't break the connection with your long-time colleagues by settling in a new field. You might want to go back to your old job. The more you can do, the more confident you feel in the labor market. Try new things, do not lose your previous qualifications - and you will never be left idle.