Each of us, as a consumer of this or that product, found himself in a difficult situation when a manufacturer or seller behaves in a dishonest manner, offering a low-quality product (or service), not observing warranty obligations or maintenance obligations. Modern legislation considers this problem in great detail. Therefore, when this kind of situation arises, it is usually quite simple to resolve it. However, there is also "the other side of the coin". In other words, the seller also sometimes finds himself in a situation where he needs protection from the consumer.

Step 1
For example, a customer bought an electric shaver. Three days later, he brought it back as it stopped working. According to him, this happened due to the fact that the product is defective. In fact, the electric shaver stopped working due to the fault of the buyer. For example, he accidentally dropped it into water while using it. However, the buyer does not admit his guilt and insistently demands to reimburse him for the damaged goods, or return the money. How should the seller behave in this situation? It's simple: send this appliance for examination. It is there that the true cause of the breakdown will be found out.
Step 2
In the case of providing services, things are a little more complicated. For example, a consumer refuses to pay for a service provided due to poor quality or incomplete provision. It is rather difficult to prove that the service was provided in full and of proper quality. Or the consumer abandons the service after completing it. In both cases, it will be helpful if you ask the buyer to state the essence of the claims on paper. This will help to "cool down the ardor" of the consumer, to understand whether the claims are justified. In addition, written claims are easier to analyze and compare with a service agreement, which is also important.
Step 3
There are ways to protect yourself in advance from this kind of problem. First, hire legally qualified people for the sales position. Or hire an in-house lawyer. Secondly, competently draw up a contract and draw up documentation.
Step 4
Of course, it is better to prevent the problem than to deal with it later. There are all kinds of situations, and the legislation, as practice shows, more often takes the side of the consumer. Nevertheless, nobody canceled the appeal to the court.
Step 5
In conclusion. To be sure that you are right, you must actually be right. Sell high-quality goods, provide services with high quality and in full, hire competent, polite and tolerant people. By doing this, you will minimize the possibility of consumer dissatisfaction, as well as the implementation of "consumer fraud".