In Russia, there has been a real construction boom lately. The demand for living space has always been high, and now even more so. Many seek to purchase housing or office space in new buildings. But after signing the contract and paying the money, the person cannot fully dispose of the acquired premises, since he has not formalized the ownership of this area.

Step 1
Recognition of ownership of real estate by itself means a court decision, which recognizes a private person as the owner of a particular real estate. Recognition of ownership of a house or apartment is a direct responsibility of investment companies, which often neglect their responsibilities and do not complete the necessary documents on time. In this case, the ownership of real estate can be recognized through the courts.
Step 2
Each trial is a long, monotonous trial that takes a lot of time and effort. In order to have fewer problems with the court, you need to properly prepare for it. Thorough preparation - 50% of success in court. Recognition of ownership of a house or any other real estate is carried out after filing a lawsuit and consideration of a claim for recognition of ownership of a private person. Such a statement of claim can be submitted to courts of general jurisdiction, magistrates' courts, and also arbitration courts.
Step 3
When drawing up a statement of claim, it is important to remember that the statement should not contain unnecessary information, it should only reflect the circumstances that are directly related to the case in question. Do not resort to complaints and pleas for justice. The statement of claim fully reflects the position of a private person claiming the recognition of ownership of real estate, therefore, it must be drawn up competently and carefully, avoiding the listing of facts that do not have confirmation. The bar associations of your city can help you in writing the statement of claim.