What Is An Employment Contract For?

What Is An Employment Contract For?
What Is An Employment Contract For?

An employment contract is a form of consolidating the relationship between an employer and an employee. He is the guarantor of compliance with legislative norms in the field of law and sets the framework for the responsibility of each of the parties.

What is an employment contract for?
What is an employment contract for?

An employment contract can be either urgent or indefinite. It consists of two copies: one is intended for the employee, the second remains for the employer. In both versions, the following information is mandatory: • name of the employee and data of the employer (organization or individual); • documents on the basis of which the document is drawn up; • TIN of the employer; • date and place conclusion of an agreement. A detailed text of the document is a guarantee of fruitful mutually beneficial cooperation. Often, employers, especially small commercial firms, are negligent in compiling it: they take only general wording that can be used in every enterprise without exception. And although ready-made samples of employment contracts are freely available on the Internet, nevertheless, the content of the document must be adapted with an eye to a specific organization. It is important to prescribe the working conditions, the principles of labor and rest regulation, even the size of wages or indicate a link to a document regulating this circumstance. Trust, but check. Applicants, for their part, consider the conclusion of a contract a formal procedure and do not attach much importance to this event. But in vain. Dishonest employers actively use the ignorance of candidates for hired workers - they promise a potential employee one thing, but write something completely different in the text of the document. Happy with getting a vacant position, a person, without hesitation, puts his signature “where the check mark is” and begins to perform his duties. If there was a catch, then, as a rule, it is not revealed immediately, but after some time. For example, the special circumstances of the work may become clear, or there will be a discrepancy between the promised and actual working conditions. But employees who are hired by the company to replace temporarily absent workers find themselves in an especially interesting position, and they often find out about this on the day when they are confronted with the fact that they need to be fired. And, by the way, all these conditions were spelled out in black and white in the contract. An employment contract is mainly created to protect the rights of employees, therefore it is in the interests of the employees themselves to read it before signing. And the desire of the recruiter to complete the registration procedure faster should at least alert him, because in the event of disputable situations, this document will be the main proof of the correctness of one or another party.
