If an enterprise plans to change its main activity (exclude unnecessary types, add new ones), it is obliged to notify the relevant authorities. Firstly, the data must be entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and secondly, the statistics authorities must be notified.

application form R14001
Step 1
Determine exactly what changes you are going to make. Find out the exact name of the required activities and their code designation. If you are going to exclude activities, then the data contained in the Letter of Goskomstat will be enough for you. If you are going to add new types of activities, find their code designation in the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities.
Step 2
If earlier, in order to provide information to the territorial tax authority, it was required to draw up a protocol of the general meeting (decision) of participants or shareholders and fill out an application, now one document is enough. Prepare an application on the P14001 form. Indicate in the first sheets all the necessary information about the company.
Step 3
If you are adding new activities, go to sheet H. If the main activity of the enterprise does not change, put a dash in the first line. Start listing new activities on the second line. It is not necessary to enter the already existing types of activity. If the lines of one sheet are missing, fill out the second sheet H.
Step 4
If you want to exclude existing activities, go to sheet O. As in the previous case, the first line is for the main activity. If it cannot be excluded, put a dash on the first line. The codes must contain at least three digits, the decoding of the code must be identical to the wording in OKEVD.
Step 5
Certify the completed application at the notary's office. Certification services are paid. Submit your documents to the territorial tax authority no later than three business days, bring your passport and, if necessary, a power of attorney from the company. Pick up the documents in five working days, contact them with the Goskomstat body.
Step 6
Statistical bodies may need only a copy of the new certificate and an extract from the Unified State Register (which must be issued to you by the tax authority along with the certificate of amendment). Nevertheless, it is better to take the incorporation documents with you - sometimes employees check the data. Receive a new email with updated statistics codes.