Both the director of a large company and the head of a small department need a team of like-minded people, with the help of which it is easy to achieve success, expand the client base, and increase profits. If so far you have not succeeded in all this, you should pay attention to your subordinates and answer the question: is this the team that you really need? Can you still create a new, successful team?

Step 1
First, you need to understand what kind of team your business needs: age, gender, education, work experience. How many people will be required to achieve the set goals. It is important not to make a mistake here - if there are fewer employees than is required, then be prepared for constant "parks" and delays in order fulfillment, which can lead to the loss of customers, and with them profits. If there are more employees than your business needs, they will have free time, which can also adversely affect work.
Step 2
Next, you need to create an ad for the recruitment of employees. Describe the vacancy in as much detail as possible, later this will help save time on long and unnecessary conversations with potential candidates. Place an ad in newspapers about employment, on the Internet on websites and forums, and in other places where as many people as possible will read it. Contact your friends - for sure they will be able to advise you someone sensible. Having received CVs from candidates, divide your further actions into two stages. First, talk to prospective employees on the phone, ask some leading questions that will help determine whether this person is “yours” or not. The second step is to invite everyone you like for an interview. When meeting, ask the candidates what results they expect from working with you, what they are willing to sacrifice for the sake of a common cause. Tell us what you expect and what you will constantly demand from them. So you can “weed out” those who get a job just to sit out for a while in a “quiet” place, and then go in search of a new “harbor”.
Step 3
The success of the team lies not only in good personnel, but also in the conditions in which they work. Pay attention to whether your team is provided with everything they need to work. Is the equipment in good working order, is it comfortable in the office. A lot also depends on comfort - people spend most of the day at work, so it is important that they want to stay here and not run away as quickly as possible.
Step 4
You expect great results and dedication from your team. Think about what you can give them in return? Include bonuses and bonuses in the cost estimate for a plan fulfilled or overfulfilled on time. Remember to give your team an incentive to move your business further. But at the same time, do not allow rivalry between employees. A team is when people work together and move together towards a common goal.
Step 5
Team cohesion is another important step towards success. Make sure that the people who work for you become, if not best friends, then good buddies. Organize a joint trip to the cinema or bowling, corporate parties for the holidays, field trips. Do these activities regularly so that your people can get to know each other not only in a work environment, but also on vacation.
Step 6
And yet - be with your team at the same time, that is, become her not a boss, but a partner, ally. By example, show how each employee should work to achieve great results. By gathering like-minded people around you, creating a favorable atmosphere for work, you will create a successful team that will help grow your business and increase profits.