A receipt for receipt of funds is a document confirming the fact of their transfer and receipt. But the legal significance of this paper, which allows it to be used as evidence in case of going to court, depends on how correctly the text of the receipt is drawn up and executed.

Step 1
Money is transferred against a receipt quite often - both as an advance payment of any transaction, and as a rent or hiring fee, and simply on loan. A receipt must be drawn up not only when the parties to the transaction are people who are unfamiliar with each other, but also when it comes to friends or relatives. Registration of the transfer of money through a receipt is a guarantee of the good faith of the borrower. But in order for any court to later recognize the receipt as a legally significant document, on the basis of which funds can be collected from the debtor, all the rules for its registration should be observed.
Step 2
The receipt can be drawn up in simple writing. This means that its mandatory certification by a notary is not required. But in the case when it comes to large amounts, as in the case of real estate, you can hedge yourself and, by paying a small amount of money to the notary, certify the signatures with him. This is a guarantee that the text of the document is drawn up correctly, because the notary is obliged to bring it in line with the requirements of the law.
Step 3
You should contact a notary if you have even the slightest doubt about the conscientiousness of the recipient of the money. The indisputable authenticity of his signature will help to significantly reduce the time for consideration of the case in the event of a trial. In the event that the signatures have not passed notarization, the court will order a handwriting examination. For insurance in the event that it is decided to do without the services of a notary, you can involve third parties in the transaction - its witnesses in the amount of at least 2 people.
Step 4
It is very important to correctly compose the text of the receipt itself. There are no officially established norms in this case, but the essential conditions of this document include information about the parties to the transaction, the amount and purpose of its receipt. When filling out the information about the participants in the transaction, you must specify as much information as possible. This will allow you to uniquely identify each of them. The surname, name and patronymic should be written in full, provide all passport data, including the address of permanent registration. When specifying the amount, you must write in what currency the funds were transferred.
Step 5
In the last paragraph of the receipt, you need to write that the money in the specified amount and in the specified currency was transferred by the payer, and received by the recipient, and the parties have no claims to each other. Each of the parties must sign, give a transcript and indicate the current date.