Fortune-telling on cards has been known for many centuries, it allows you to reveal the secrets of the future or even change the planned course of events. A master who has mastered working with Tarot cards will never be left without work.

Step 1
To start predicting the future, you need to study all 78 tarot cards. You need to understand that each card has at least 2 meanings, which depend on how the lasso is laid out: in a straight or inverted form. And then there are hundreds of combinations and combinations that you also need to know. It is better to start working with a deck under the guidance of a master, he will give the basics of protection against negativity, teach how to charge working tools, and also show various layouts. If there is no teacher, then look for books that will give only part of the information, and the rest will have to be obtained by practice.
Step 2
The easiest way to master a deck is piece by piece. Most people begin to guess at the Major Arcana. There are only 22 of them, so it's not too difficult to learn them. They talk about emotions, human experiences, and not about events, but using them, you can already make good predictions. When this part is mastered, proceed to the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. Remember that the master in his arsenal has at least 20 layouts that he knows how to use and understands their purpose. Usually a lot more is studied, but only certain ones are required for the work, and each has its own.
Step 3
To make money on Tarot, you need to become a professional. People want to know the truth, and learning to see it takes a lot of practice. If you can look into the future, customers will come back again and again. If you do not have the necessary experience, it is better to postpone advertising, start working with loved ones. Guess your friends and girlfriends, predict the future for neighbors and just acquaintances, do it not to earn money, but to gain experience. Usually, before entering a permanent job with Tarot, a person spends at least 3 years on training.
Step 4
It is very difficult to work with people, because you have to keep a schedule of visits, and no one is interested in whether you are in the mood to make layouts today. Therefore, learn to cope with emotions, leave your experiences outside the door so that they do not affect the veracity of the alignment. Engage people by any means, but remember that word of mouth works best, if one person comes true, chances are high that he will come back and bring someone else. Therefore, never do the work superficially, be attentive to everyone who applies.
Step 5
After you create a base of your clients, when various people regularly visit you, you can earn not only by fortune-telling, but also by teaching other people. Some want to master the tarot deck for work, others for their own use. Gather a few people who are interested in this and start teaching. Training can last from 2 months to a couple of years, it all depends on the intensity of the classes. If you wish, you can lead several groups, and this will bring a good profit.
Step 6
Remember that any activity in our state is taxed. To work with Tarot and the associated reception of clients, you need to draw up documents for an individual entrepreneur and annually give 6% of your earnings to the state. The correct approach to business organization will avoid serious troubles in the future.