A personal card is one of the main accounting documents of a company. It reflects all the data of employees, information about their work. The form of this document was approved by the Goskomstat of Russia, it was assigned the number T-2. The card must be filled out by a personnel worker or accountant.

- - employee documents;
- - orders for the enterprise.
Step 1
First of all, enter information about the organization on your personal card: name and OKPO. You can see these data in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Next, you need to indicate the date the document was drawn up (as a rule, this is the date the employee was hired), personnel number, TIN, SNILS number, nature of work (temporarily, permanently), type of work (main or part-time) and the gender of the employee.
Step 2
In the first section of your personal card, indicate the number and date of the employment contract, the full name of the employee, the date and place of his birth, citizenship. Below write the status of his education, the series and number of the diploma (certificate or certificate), the date of the beginning of training and graduation.
Step 3
Based on the work book, calculate the current experience, write it down in the document. Indicate the state of marriage, family composition. Enter your passport details and contact phone number.
Step 4
If the person is liable for military service, fill out the third section of Form No. T-2. On the basis of a military ID, indicate the category of the reserve, military rank, composition (for example, command, medical). Put down the category of fitness for service (A, B, C, D or E). Below you must put your signature, date and ask the employee to sign in the appropriate box.
Step 5
Fill in the third section on the basis of orders during the employee's work. In the first column, write the date of hiring, indicate the structural unit, position, employee salary, basis (order). Ask the employee to sign.
Step 6
Fill in the fourth and subsequent sections if the employee underwent certification or retraining, improved his qualifications. When filling out these sections, be sure to refer to the corresponding order.
Step 7
In the seventh section, record the incentives and rewards received by the employee while working. In the next section, provide information on the granting of leave (annual, educational, unpaid). Here you must indicate the period of work for which the vacation is granted, its duration and date, the basis.
Step 8
The ninth section is for recording the social benefits to which the employee is eligible. For example, here you can indicate that the employee is granted a 30-day summer vacation, since he is a disabled person of group 3.
Step 9
In the tenth section, other information is entered, for example, whether the employee has children with disabilities, about the presence of a driver's license and a passport. When an employee is dismissed, the corresponding column is filled in at the very end of the document.