Most people every year go to work that they don't like, like hard labor. They complain that they do not like their work and that the salary is low. But, however, most of them don't even try to find another job. In fact, finding another job in Rostov-on-Don is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Step 1
Decide which industry you would like to work in and evaluate your chances of getting a job. You must understand that if you graduated from an educational institution as a lawyer, no one will employ you as an engineer.
Step 2
If you have time to study for another specialty, then the road is open. After receiving another education, job options will increase significantly. It is not necessary to graduate from a university, it is enough to take advanced training courses that last several months. If you still do not have time to go to school, you can study in distance education courses.
Step 3
Research the job market. Go to the main site of Rostov-on-Don in the "Announcements" section, then select "Work and Education" - "Vacancies". Perhaps you will find a suitable offer there.
Step 4
Make a resume in which be sure to highlight your experience and professional qualities in the specialty you are looking for. The summary should not be too long, just a few points. Read here how to write a resume: Go to the main site of Rostov-on-Don in the section "Announcements" - "Work and Education" - "Resume".
Step 5
Contact the employment center. You can look at the addresses and phone numbers on this website:
Step 6
Call your friends and family and tell them that you are looking for a job. Also tell them where you can work and what you can do. People work in different places and knowing that you are looking for work, they will inform you about new vacancies in their company. This method is very powerful.
Step 7
Go around all large enterprises and organizations of Rostov-on-Don and leave your profile in the personnel department.
Step 8
Buy the weekly newspaper "Jobs on the Don". Details can be found in the editorial office at 344000, Rostov-on-Don, Metallurgicheskaya st. 102/2, office 106 ILK, telephone (863) 268-96-10, 268-96-11, 200-27-72 …