How Is The Internal Registration Of Documents Going?

How Is The Internal Registration Of Documents Going?
How Is The Internal Registration Of Documents Going?

Registration of documents is a process expressed in fixing credentials about a specific document when it is sent, received, created. Currently, journal, card and automated forms of document registration are used.

How is the internal registration of documents going?
How is the internal registration of documents going?

Internal registration of documents is an integral part of the activities of any state or municipal body, institution, commercial organization or individual entrepreneur. In practice, this process boils down to fixing basic information about the document in a special format that is used for internal registration.

In this case, not only incoming and outgoing documents are usually subject to internal registration, but also papers created in the organization itself (for example, contracts with counterparties). Responsibilities for registering documents are often assigned to a secretary or clerk; in large organizations, entire departments are created to optimize this process.

What are the forms of internal registration of documents?

The most common form of internal registration of documents is still journal registration. In this case, information about the documents is entered into a special journal, divided into several columns. Be sure to enter data on the date of receipt, sending or creation of the document, its registration number, name, and its brief description is recorded.

An alternative form is card registration of documents, in which information about each document is entered into a separate card, the rules for filling out which are approved in advance. Finally, the most progressive form is considered to be automated document registration, which minimizes paperwork.

What is the most convenient form for the organization?

The journal form of internal registration of documents can be effectively used in small organizations, where one specialist is responsible for the implementation of the relevant procedures. The disadvantage of this form is that it is not possible for several employees to work simultaneously on the registration of documents, so it is not suitable for large companies. In addition, in the presence of several journals of registration of documents (for example, in different departments), confusion often arises with their registration data.

These disadvantages are overcome by using the internal registration card form, which allows you to quickly and efficiently record information about any number of documents. If the company's goal is to minimize paperwork, then it is recommended to use an automated internal registration form, which will require specialized software.
