What Documents Are Needed For Registration Of A Donation

What Documents Are Needed For Registration Of A Donation
What Documents Are Needed For Registration Of A Donation

Table of contents:


A donation is an agreement according to which one party donates to the other movable or immovable property, values, rights or any other objects of property. Donation, as well as legal relations that arise in connection with this transaction, are regulated by Chapter 32 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

What documents are needed for registration of a donation
What documents are needed for registration of a donation


Step 1

The Federal Registration Service determines the following list of documents for registration of a donation:

• passports of the donor and donee;

• title document (one that confirms the donor's ownership of the property, which is the object of the contract);

• certificate of state registration of property rights;

• cadastral passport;

• an extract from the house book about the persons registered in the apartment (house);

• an extract from the BTI on the inventory value of real estate. If the object of the donation agreement is a land plot, then a normative assessment of land resources is required, as well as a certificate confirming the absence of arrears in the payment of land taxes;

• Actually, the donation agreement itself, which must contain the passport data and addresses of the parties to the agreement, as well as the subject of donation and the title document.

Step 2

This list is not final, since each real estate transaction is unique and, due to certain circumstances, some more documents may be required:

• the consent of the spouse, certified by a notary, in the event that the object of the contract is their joint property acquired during the marriage;

• if the donor is not married (or was not at the time of acquisition of this property, or it was acquired through donation and therefore is not joint property of the spouses), this fact must also be confirmed by a corresponding notarial statement;

• if there is a donation of a part of the dwelling, then the consent of all owners is required (also notarized);

• consent of the guardianship authorities, if minors or incapacitated persons live in the apartment (house).

Step 3

Having collected a package of documents, you must apply with the appropriate application and a receipt confirming the fact of payment for state registration to the Office of the Federal Registration Service (FRS). It registers the transaction and issues the donee a certificate of ownership.
