When applying for a job, many people do not pay due attention to the "paper" questions, considering them just a formality. But in the event of a disagreement with the employer, it is the employment contract that will help to figure everything out.

Labor contract
The main condition for hiring is the conclusion of an employment contract, which is an agreement concluded between the employee and the employer, and defines their rights and obligations. Ideally, the document is signed in duplicate no later than three days from the start of work. An employment contract plays a very important role in resolving labor disputes. To do this, it must be correctly drawn up. It happens that employers refuse to provide papers, in which case it is necessary to demand an explanation of the reason for the refusal, and in writing. This will show you as a person versed in the Labor Code, and possibly give you a chance to get the document you want. There is one but: you can lose this place. But work without guarantees can also end very badly. Are obliged to conclude an agreement with you even if you are not registered at the place of residence, are invited to work by translation from another place of work. Also, pregnancy or the presence of children should not be an obstacle to the conclusion of the contract.
What to look for
The majority of potential employees are very inattentive to the documents defining the internal regulations, as well as to the papers describing their job responsibilities. People listen to oral explanations and promises instead of learning the true state of affairs described on paper. Inconsistencies should alert you. If you find information that is not clear to you, then immediately discuss it with the employer, if necessary, change the conditions that are unsuitable for you. Pay close attention to all the wording, find out everything you need to before your signature is put.
Pay attention to the house rules. These papers must specify the time of the beginning and end of the working day, the number of days off, the rules of the working dress code. If you orally entered into an agreement with the employer, for example, on a free work schedule, then it is better to reflect this in the agreement. It happens that a future employee is offered to sign an agreement on non-disclosure of commercial or official secrets, in which case it is advisable to clarify what exactly is meant by secret information.
Obligatory clauses of the employment contract
Your surname, first name and patronymic, passport data, company name, employer's TIN and information about the manager authorized to sign the documents must be prescribed in the employment contract. Also, these documents should reflect the state of your future workplace. It is also important to clarify the name of your position and your job responsibilities, every little thing should be described.
The most important issue reflected in the employment contract is monetary. The papers must reflect the full amount of your salary. Otherwise, you may have problems with sick leave, maternity leave and benefits in case of redundancy, and it will be impossible to prove something. In addition to wages, the contract specifies all bonuses, bonuses and allowances, indicating the conditions under which they will be paid to you. The contract must also clearly indicate the duration of the probationary period, otherwise there may be problems with a salary increase after approval for the position. Usually the trial period is 3-6 months. Do not forget, if you are provided with training at the expense of the company, indicate in writing all its conditions.