Not many people today can boast of a lightning-fast solution to the problem of employment. Finding a job is a tedious process that can destroy even the most positive attitude. Faced with such difficulties, do not immediately despair and drive yourself into a corner, you can use the well-known Feng Shui tips.

Step 1
First of all, clean your home of all unnecessary junk that has accumulated over a long time. Tidy up the house, dust off and wash everything thoroughly. Replace or wash curtains, change light bulbs, wash shades, knock out carpets, and so on. Then walk around the house with a burning candle, recite mantras, clean the space with sounds and incense. This preparatory stage is very important and cannot be skipped.
Step 2
In the north side of the apartment or at its entrance, which according to Feng Shui are considered a career zone, put a glass of water and put 8 white and 1 yellow coins in it. As you dip the coins into the water, try to visualize the desired work in your mind. If you want a high-paying job, throw more expensive coins. Change the water as often as possible to keep everything clean.
Step 3
In the kitchen in the quarry area (north side), hang any black and white picture. It must be framed in white, black or silver, but by no means wooden. The best option is a black metal frame. If you couldn't find a similar frame, then just take a black felt-tip pen and draw a frame with it on the picture itself.
Step 4
And finally, create a wish-fulfilling instrument in the north side of your apartment. To do this, you first need to determine your element (Fire, Water, Earth, Metal or Wood). This is important, because according to Feng Shui, each element has its own color. Namely: -Fire - beige, yellow and orange; -Water - brown and green; -Earth - white, silver and gray; -Metal - black, blue and blue; -Wood - red and all its shades. Having defined its element, Take a piece of paper of the appropriate color and write on it your desires for the job and place it in the career area.