What To Do If Your Car Is Scratched In The Yard

What To Do If Your Car Is Scratched In The Yard
What To Do If Your Car Is Scratched In The Yard

Recently, the well-being of citizens has been growing, and therefore every year there are more and more cars. However, there are not so many places where you can leave a car to be enough for everyone. Therefore, people park wherever they can, and often find their iron darling in a slightly out-of-market condition - for example, with a scratched fender, a punctured wheel, cracked glass or a broken bumper.

What to do if your car is scratched in the yard
What to do if your car is scratched in the yard

What to do after finding damage to the machine

First of all, inspect the existing damage and decide whether the damage caused is worth spending your nerves and time talking with the traffic police officers, as well as the insurance company. Perhaps the scratch is not deep enough to warrant prosecution.

But if you still think that the damage should be compensated and you have a CASCO policy, call the traffic police to record the damage that is on your car. Alternatively, call your insurance company for advice on a forensic and damage assessment.

In the event that you do not have a CASCO policy, call the traffic police to the place of the accident. They will record the fact of damage to your car, like during an accident, in which the second participant (the culprit) escaped.

Also ask grandmothers at the porches and mothers walking with children in the playground. It is possible that one of them will be able to help you with valuable information.

To speed up the process of finding the culprit, you can print an ad to which eyewitnesses of the incident should respond. It is better to hang such announcements on the front doors of houses in your yard.

If there are video cameras at the entrances of nearby buildings and your house, contact the management company, requesting permission to view the videos of the day when your car was scratched. Both the fact of an accident and the culprit can be recorded on them. In this case, notify the traffic police about the evidence you found.

How to remove minor scratches from a car yourself

It may happen that, despite all the efforts of the police officers, it will not be possible to find the culprit, and you do not have a CASCO policy. In this case, you will have to repair the damage to the machine at your own expense.

In the automotive market, there are products on sale that hide scratches. The most popular of these is the No Scratch polish, which masks and removes minor damage.

If you do not want to resort to expensive auto repair services, you can remove scratches from the body of your car yourself, using repair paints. It is very simple to work with them, and the price of repair will be reduced only to the cost of a bottle of varnish and paint. It is impossible to spoil the body coating with such a means. The main thing is to choose the right shade that fully matches the color of your car.

Clean the car body and degrease the surface. Then spray the paint on the damaged area and let it dry. Cover it with varnish on top.
