Even the most disciplined and responsible person can forget the rights at home. In such a situation, it is very important to calm down, not get nervous and act according to the rules.

Don't panic
If you are stopped by a traffic police officer, and you cannot present the right to drive your own car, you do not need to tell the inspector about your problems in an attempt to justify yourself, this does not always work, but it looks rather depressing. You should not put pressure on the pity of the traffic police officer, he has heard similar stories many times, and it is quite possible that they only irritate him. There is a perfectly legal way to resolve this situation.
When drawing up a protocol on an existing administrative violation in the column “explanations of the person” you need to write something like the following (the presentation form may be free): “I have a driver's license for a vehicle, at the moment it is at home. Within an hour (or as long as you need to get home) I am ready to provide it to the traffic police officer. In this regard, I ask permission to leave my car at the following address (you must indicate the address of the place where you were detained) for the period required for the presentation of documents."
After that, it is very important to have time to go for the license (or ask someone to bring them to you) before the tow truck arrives. Please note that you can leave the car in the specified place only if it does not interfere with pedestrians and drivers of other vehicles. And only if the traffic police inspector did not reveal other traffic violations. Otherwise, the car must be moved (you can do this yourself) to the nearest authorized parking lot. If you do not do this, your vehicle is unlikely to be able to avoid being towed to a special parking lot. After you have brought and presented your license to the traffic police, your car cannot be detained on the spot or sent to a special parking lot.
According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, driving without a driver's identity document is punishable by a fine (100 rubles) or a warning. This punishment does not seem harsh, but it must be borne in mind that, according to another article of this code, driving a car without a license involves the detention of the car. This means forcibly stopping the use of the machine and moving it to a special parking lot.
Remember that according to the traffic rules, a passport or other identity card cannot be accepted by a traffic police officer instead of a license.