The sales contract has several varieties: supply, power supply, retail. Each of them has its own peculiarities of conclusion and execution, it is regulated by separate laws. However, there are general rules for all sales transactions.

Step 1
It is required to comply with the form of the transaction. Transactions are made orally, which are executed upon their conclusion. However, the law establishes that if one of the parties is a legal entity or the subject of the transaction exceeds the cost of 10 minimum wages (1000 rubles), it is imperative to follow the written form.
Step 2
Define the subject of the contract. The subject includes information about the name, quantity, range, completeness, quality. The more accurately all parameters are determined, the easier it is to protect your legitimate interests later on. Information about the subject may not be contained in the contract itself, but in its annexes, specifications. If it is impossible to identify the subject of the transaction, the contract is considered not concluded. The seller will not be able to demand payment under the contract, and the buyer will not be able to demand the transfer of the goods.
Step 3
Determine the transaction value and settlement procedure.
Step 4
Draw up documents for the transfer of goods. It can be a waybill, an act of acceptance and transfer.
Step 5
Check the credentials of the signatory. Attach to the contract a copy of the document for the right to sign: a copy of the passport, power of attorney, certificate of the entrepreneur.
Step 6
If the sale of expensive property that has been in the property for less than three years is carried out, it is necessary to pay personal income tax.