More and more Russians who are entitled to any benefits and social benefits are using special cards. It is very convenient. In some large cities, beneficiaries receive pensions and benefits using such cards, they can be used to pay in a store or transfer money for utilities. Unfortunately, the same troubles can happen with such a card as with any other documents. The beneficiary can lose it or spoil it. And then you need to take care of the restoration.

- - the passport;
- - pensioner's ID;
- - Photo;
- - phonebook.
Step 1
The procedure for restoring a social card depends, among other things, on the region in which you live. More precisely, on what exactly you get on it. So far, not all constituent entities of the federation are transferring pensions and benefits to such cards, in many places it still serves only to provide benefits in kind (for example, transport or medicine).
Step 2
If any cash payments were transferred to your social card, make sure that no one can use the funds on your account. For this, the card must first of all be blocked. The chance that someone will be able to take advantage of this opportunity is not very great if you follow basic security rules when handling any card (for example, you are not in the habit of writing down a pin code directly on it or storing it in your mobile phone). But he still exists. Therefore, first of all, call your bank. Sometimes such a call is enough, while most banks require a written application from the client. But in any case, you can find out if it is possible to write such a statement at the nearest branch or if you need to go to the central office. In addition, in this way you will warn the lending institution about possible abuse. If necessary, immediately go to the bank and submit an application in the prescribed form. Do not forget to bring your passport and you will be given an application form.
Step 3
Call the social welfare institution where you issued your social card. In a small town it will be a committee of social protection of the local administration, a resident of a rural settlement should apply to the regional center, and a beneficiary from a large city - to the appropriate department of the regional administration. You need to know the opening hours. In addition, in some constituent entities of the federation, not only the beneficiary himself, but also his legal representative can address such a question. In the second case, you must be explained what documents are required. For a personal visit, a passport and a pension certificate, if any, are sufficient. In some subjects of the federation, a photograph is also required.
Step 4
As a rule, the beneficiary does not have to pay for reissuing the card through the social protection authorities. But in a number of constituent entities of the federation, they can take a fee corresponding to the cost of the plastic card itself. This is most often practiced in regions where only benefits are provided in this way. You will be able to receive a new document in about a month. In this case, all benefits, of course, remain on your account.