The cybercriminals stole money from your bank account when you connect your cell phone to the Mobile Bank service. What to do?

First, pull yourself together. Stop panicking and take action to return the stolen funds, one of which is an immediate appeal to law enforcement agencies.
To help police officers, you need the following:
Ø Give the police officer who interrogated you a cell phone with the Mobile Bank software installed on it, a Sim card and a flash card;
Ø Clearly indicate the circumstances of issuing a bank card (date, time, place, name of the bank, address of its location, number and date of the conclusion of the agreement on the provision of banking services, the number of the current personal account and the number of the bank card itself). If a copy of the agreement on the provision of banking services is provided, it will simply be wonderful, since none of us remembers the specified information from memory, and erroneous data can lead the investigation to a dead end. Therefore, in the presence of an agreement and a bank card, the investigator is authorized to seize them, examine, recognize and attach them to the criminal case as material evidence, with the subsequent return to the rightful owner;
Ø Specify: where, when, for what amount and under what circumstances the theft of funds from your bank card was detected; the amount of funds on the card account at the time of theft and the balance after theft; who knew the Pin-code from the card besides you, who besides you had access to your bank card and by whom it was used;
Ø And also try to answer the maximum number of the following questions: what cell phone (brand, model, Imei) did you use at the time of the theft of funds from your bank card;
Ø Sim-card of which mobile operator and with what number it was at the time of the theft of funds, in whose name it was issued;
Ø Did you go online from this cell phone, if so, which sites were visited, which applications (windows) were detected;
Ø When, to which subscriber number and by whom the Mobile Bank service was connected, were any purchases made through this service, or money transfers, if so, in what periods from the date of the Mobile Bank connection to the present? time;
Ø Were there any failures in the operation of the cell phone before and after the theft of funds from the card;
Ø Have you received sms-messages on your cell phone about the transactions carried out to transfer funds from your current account, or of any other nature related to monetary transactions on your current account;
Ø Did you receive sms-messages from unknown numbers (if yes, then from which ones), which contained links, upon switching to which the installation of the corresponding application on the Internet began;
Ø Do you use the Internet resources "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontakte", "Play-Market", etc.; on your cell phone;
Ø Have you applied to the credit institution in which the current account was opened with a claim to return the funds stolen from your current account?