An apprenticeship agreement with a person looking for a job, that is, not yet employed by the organization, and an apprenticeship agreement with an employee, differ only in that the latter will be an annex to the employment contract. The content of the student contracts should include: subject, rights and obligations of the parties and some other sections.

The preamble to the student agreement should indicate the organization that pays for vocational training, the full name of the student, as well as the name of the educational institution on the basis of which the profession will be mastered or qualifications upgraded.
In the section "Subject of the student agreement" the name of the profession (qualification), which is subject to mastering under this agreement, is indicated.
Within the meaning of Art. 198 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, apprenticeship contracts are regulated by labor law, that is, they are subject to reduced limitation periods (1 year), as well as special jurisdiction - disputes arising from apprenticeship contracts are considered by district courts of cities and regions. However, the parties to the apprenticeship agreement may include in it a condition that the norms of general civil law are subject to their agreement, that is, disputes will be resolved in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
In the same section, as a rule, the meaning of the agreement reached is deciphered - "the employer (organization) undertakes to provide the Pupil with the necessary opportunities for training in the profession, and the student undertakes to conscientiously treat the fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement, to acquire knowledge and skills in the chosen profession."
The section "General Provisions" indicates: the place of study, the duration of the apprenticeship, the terms of payment of the scholarship and its size, the form of study, the period during which the student is obliged to work in the organization after graduation.
An apprenticeship agreement must also contain the grounds and conditions under which the student returns the costs of the organization for his training (for example, expulsion for academic failure, dismissal before the deadline, etc.). Separately, it should be stipulated in the contract what exactly the student returns to the employer - all costs or expenses calculated in proportion to the time worked.
In the "Other conditions" section, you should indicate the procedure for resolving disputes and disagreements (this may be a claim procedure, contractual jurisdiction, etc.), the moment the contract enters into force and the moment when it ends and everything that the parties to the contract deem it necessary to indicate separately …