The protocol is called an organizational and administrative document that records the course of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, meetings and conferences of collegial bodies.

Meeting, minutes
Step 1
The protocol is drawn up both on general forms and on blank standard sheets of paper in A4 format, and contains the following listed details:
- name of the type of document and its serial number;
- the date;
- place of drawing up the protocol;
- title to the text;
- text;
- signatures of the chairman and secretary.
Step 2
The following details must be placed in the protocol header:
- full name of the organization;
- type of document (i.e. protocol);
- date and number;
- place of drawing up the protocol;
- directly the title itself to the text. The name of the organization is indicated with the organizational and legal form and corresponds to the officially established name (in the regulation or charter of the organization). Also, the legal form is written in full, and not in the form of an abbreviation.
Step 3
The introductory part should list those present at the meeting, and also indicate who acted as chairman and who acted as secretary. If this is the minutes of a production meeting, then for all those present, the name of the position should be indicated. The introductory part ends with an agenda. The following entry is permissible: There were… people.
Step 4
The main part of the protocol should be structured according to the scheme: LISTENED - SPEAKED - DECIDED (DECIDED) separately for each item on the agenda. In the LISTENED subsection, the initials and surname of the speaker are noted, but the positions are not indicated, since the position has already been named in the introductory part, then a dash is put and with a capital letter - a short record of the content of the report, message. In the SPEAKERS section, the outline is the same. In the DECIDED section, it is necessary to set out the adopted resolutions, point by point. The text of the protocol is signed by the secretary and the chairman.