Now a passport can be easily, without queues, issued via the Internet. The application is submitted in electronic form, but some of the documents still have to be submitted to the management of the migration service.

Step 1
The list of all necessary documents can be found on the portal “Electronic government. State services . This is the official website through which you can apply for a passport. The list of documents for minors and already adults is different.
Everyone, without exception, must provide a passport (for persons under 14 years old - a document certifying the presence of Russian citizenship), a receipt for payment of the state duty, 4 photographs 35 x 45 mm, a questionnaire with an application for the issuance of a passport, a work book or a certificate from the place of work (study). If a passport has already been issued before, you need to bring it too.
Step 2
The rest of the documents vary for each applicant. So, if there are children, then it is imperative to provide information about them - birth certificates, if necessary - documents confirming the rights of a legal representative. Men from 18 to 27 years old need a military ID, and if it is not there, then a certificate from the military commissariat.
Step 3
There are also peculiarities when issuing foreign passports. For example, if for some reason you urgently need to go abroad. Or if the company sends an employee on a business trip abroad. In such cases, additional documents must be provided. These are certified letters, messages on the grounds for urgent registration of a passport (for example, a certificate from a medical institution about the need for treatment). Military personnel will not be issued a passport without the written permission of the command. In the case of regular business trips abroad, it is also necessary to submit an application to the sending organization.