What Is The Retirement Age In Russia

What Is The Retirement Age In Russia
What Is The Retirement Age In Russia

There are very heated debates in the government bodies of the Russian Federation about the retirement age. Moreover, this has been going on for more than one year. The main issue that worries lawmakers is the increase in the retirement age threshold. The modern layout does not suit them, tk. it seems to parliamentarians that the adopted norm does not correspond to modern realities.

What is the retirement age in Russia
What is the retirement age in Russia

Retirement to a regular old-age pension in Russia today is defined as 60 years for men and 55 for women. It is believed that it is this age that is optimal for sending a person to a well-deserved rest. However, experts are increasingly saying that this is not the case. On average in the world, a person is sent to retire if he is over 60-65 years old. And it doesn't matter whether it is a man or a woman - the conditions are equal for everyone.

Optimal age for retirement

As for men, the issue of raising the retirement age is quite complicated. This is due to the fact that the average life expectancy of representatives of a strong half of humanity in Russia is only 60 years. And this means that many will not even have time to retire. Therefore, raising the retirement age for men is simply inappropriate.

As for the ladies, their average life expectancy is about 73-75 years. This means that retirement as a woman in her prime - at 55 - is not always justified.

Naturally, we are not talking about those cases when a woman has serious illnesses. If the lady is healthy and energetic, she can safely continue to work on.

Preferential pension

About 34% of the total number of pensioners, according to the Ministry of Social Development, are categorized as beneficiaries. The concept of a preferential pension appeared due to the fact that there are a number of industries where the age of retirement by workers is noticeably lower than the generally accepted one.

So, for example, the standard access to a preferential pension should be made 5 years earlier than usual, i.e. women at 50, men at 55. However, there are industries that are equated to the category of harmful (hot shops, chemical industry, etc.). Such workers are offered even more benign conditions. The retirement age in this situation dates back to 50 years for men and 45 years for women.

However, in order to receive such a benefit, you need to work in production for a certain number of years. For ladies, this period is 7, 5, for men - 10 years.

In addition, mothers with many children, parents of people with disabilities, people with disabilities themselves, workers of emergency rescue services, etc., have the right to preferential early retirement pension. According to statistics, 73% of preferential pensioners continue to work, receiving both a pension and a salary at the same time.

What is planned to be done

For several years now, rumors have been circulating in society that the government plans to raise the retirement age. The parliamentarians themselves are trying to come up with various other schemes that will solve the pension problem with minimal losses for the budget and citizens.

For example, one of the proposals is to find ways to stimulate later retirement. In this case, options for higher rates for the pension part, etc. are offered.

Some of the legislators are proposing to restrict working pensioners in the payment of pensions while they attend work.

So far, from all the proposed initiatives, the people have not chosen a single suitable one - one that would satisfy everyone. However, the search for an ideal solution continues to this day. And, perhaps, a consensus will soon be found.
