If you decide to go into private business, then, first of all, you need to prepare for this. You cannot rush headlong into the world of business without having the slightest idea about the laws under which it functions. Let's consider how to issue documents for a retail store.

Step 1
First of all, before opening your own store, create an appropriate business plan, which will detail in detail what kind of product you want to sell, whether it meets the interests of consumers in this market segment.
Step 2
Study your customer, try to think like him. Of course, you shouldn't forget about your competitors either. You have to figure out what exactly will be the advantage of your product over other similar ones.
Step 3
After that, pay attention to practical issues such as the area of your future store, its rent and location. Both the rent and the popularity with buyers often depend on the latter. And for this you need to "hurry up" in advance and assess what the purchasing power is in the area in which you expect to open your store.
Step 4
And, of course, anticipate the possibility of contingencies in advance, because they are an integral part of any nascent venture. Prioritize your financial priorities: where you should spend your money first.
Step 5
Registration of documents. Perhaps the most time-consuming and most difficult part of the business. Come up with a name for your "brainchild", define the main type of activity and, therefore, the tax system in which you will operate. This must be done already at the initial stage in order to obtain permission to open a store, a trade license and a patent.
Step 6
Be sure to register your business with the pension, medical and compulsory social security funds. After that, open an account in the bank from which all settlement operations of the accounting department of your store will take place, and make a seal, with which all documentation will be endorsed.