A notarial power of attorney allows you to perform any legally significant actions for the principal, put signatures, receive and dispose of funds. The issuance of a power of attorney is regulated by article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The document must be drawn up by a notary.

- - the passport;
- - power of attorney;
- - application to the Pension Fund (if you want to receive your pension at a different address).
Step 1
To receive a pension for the principal, contact the notary office of the place of residence of the person for whom you want to receive a pension. Show your passport and the passport of the principal. All participants and the delegating authority and the receiving party are required to be present in person.
Step 2
You can issue a power of attorney for a certain period, for example, for one, two or several months and indicate in the document that the power of attorney was issued only to receive a pension. Such a document will not allow additional actions, since the power of attorney will be special, that is, it can only be used to receive a pension for a certain number of months, and it will not allow other legal actions to be performed for the principal.
Step 3
If you want to receive a pension only once in one month, issue a one-time power of attorney. After a one-time receipt of funds, you will no longer be able to use it.
Step 4
To systematically receive a pension and perform other actions for your client, draw up a general power of attorney. The document is valid for three years and allows you to receive not only a pension, but also to perform all actions for your principal. After three years, you need to renew the power of attorney.
Step 5
To receive a pension for your principal using any type of power of attorney, contact the post office at the principal's place of residence. Show your passport and original power of attorney.
Step 6
If you want your pension to be brought to your home, apply with a power of attorney and passport to the Federal Pension Fund. Write an application for the transfer of pension to your address. You can get it at home or go to your post office to collect your pension.