Subsidies for housing and communal services are social support for low-income strata of the population, which is guaranteed by Article 159 of the RF LC and RF Government Decree No. 761 of December 14, 2005. In addition, the receipt of a subsidy is regulated by regional laws that provide for the criteria for low income, as well as the amount of living space for which one can receive state aid. To apply for a subsidy, you need to contact the district social support service and submit a package of documents.

- -statement
- -the passport
- -birth certificate
- -pensioner's ID
- -student ticket
- - certificate of income
- - information about cubic capacity
- - title documents for housing
- -certificate on the absence of rent arrears
- -extract from the house book
- - issuing a personal account
- -certificate on the composition of the family
- - photocopies of all documents and certificates certified by the housing department
- - Sberbank current account number
Step 1
Depending on the region of residence, your eligibility for the subsidy will need to be confirmed every 6 or 12 months. For example, in Moscow this right is confirmed every 12 months, in the Altai Territory - every 6 months. In almost all regions, families in which payments for housing and communal services exceed 22% of total income have the right to receive state support. The amount of assistance depends on the family's income and the actual percentage that the rent eats up from the family's budget.
Step 2
The department of social protection of the population must submit a certificate of income of all family members, an application, a passport of all family members, a birth certificate of all children, an extract from the house book, an extract of a personal account, documents of title to the living space. You will also need a certificate of the volume of the apartment and the absence of arrears for rent.
Step 3
If unemployed citizens apply for a subsidy, you need to submit a document confirming that the unemployed person is registered with the employment service and looking for work, as well as a certificate of the amount of unemployment benefits.
Step 4
Pensioners need to present a pension certificate and a certificate of the amount of pension issued by the pension fund. For students - a student card and a certificate of the amount of the scholarship issued by the educational institution.
Step 5
In each region, assistance is provided per cubic capacity, which corresponds to the standards for living per person. All additional area will have to be paid in full.
Step 6
The terms for consideration of the application and the submitted documents may be different, depending on the region, the answer may be given in 10-30 days. The amount of funds allocated will be determined by the commission on the basis of the submitted documents.
Step 7
The monthly subsidy will go to the checking account of an adult family member, most often the responsible tenant or owner. Therefore, in order for the funds to be transferred, it is necessary to present the account number opened with Sberbank.