How To Find A Calling On Your Own In 7 Days

How To Find A Calling On Your Own In 7 Days
How To Find A Calling On Your Own In 7 Days

It is possible to find a vocation in a week. This will require a notebook, a pen, and some free time. Dreams, plans, talents, skills are the main ones in the analysis. Please fill in your notebook honestly. If some questions can't be answered right away, give yourself a little more time.

How to find a calling on your own in 7 days
How to find a calling on your own in 7 days

Money makes each of us wake up early in the morning, go to work along the route worked out for years. Psychologists are sure that professional activity should not only bring income, but also pleasure. It turns out that the number of people who get job satisfaction is minimal. For maximum results in self-realization, you need to understand the "deep meaning" of your activities.

Can you find your calling on your own in seven days? If you follow the plan, it's pretty easy to do.

The first day. Look into the past and the future

Think about who you dreamed of becoming as a child. Very often a person's life is spent trying to achieve his childhood desires. Did you want to save the world? Read psychological and medical literature. This will let you know if you are ready for complete dedication. For queens, princesses and presidents, professions that allow solving organizational issues will be a good option. Often such people grow into good leaders (if life circumstances did not break).

Think about the future. Imagine that you are healthy, prosperous, and well off. Your loved ones, the press gathered to celebrate your achievements. Think about what you would do to achieve this effect. Try to describe your life, touching on every area of your life. This is best done on paper. Read what is written - do you really want it? Is it time to radically change your life? To get to where you really want to be, you need to start now.

Second day. Allow yourself to spend this day "for yourself"

Our concept of vocation is hidden between interests, the sphere of innermost desires and childhood dreams. People are so afraid of changes in their lives that they try to supplant their own desires.

Think about your dreams, the things you've ever wanted to try. Make a list. The more points it contains, the better. Some of them can come true without your conscious participation. Start with the simplest. Let it be a trip to an ice cream parlor or the forest, relaxing in front of the TV or visiting the zoo. Even the most ridiculous (in your opinion) desires can bring pleasure.

Day three. Detail your dream job and draw up the perfect contract

Answer the questions:

  1. How long should it take to get to work?
  2. How much time are you willing to devote to her a day?
  3. What kind of income should she bring?
  4. Do you want to travel on business trips?
  5. How big should the team surround you?

It is best to write down the answers in a notebook. It's great if your vocation is combined with a hobby or favorite school subjects. Remember what you enjoyed in the past.

Based on the answers, create an ideal contract in which everything will be spelled out to the smallest detail. This exercise should be repeated periodically as interests and preferences can change over time. With the gradual achievement of the goal, other points may appear that expand the possibilities or narrow your interests.

Day four. Do you want to give something to other people?

Life in society teaches us that if you want to get something from the environment, you will have to benefit others. It is believed that professional activity will only bring satisfaction if you have to share something with others. It gives a sense of the importance of one's own personality. The ability to give love, attention and care is necessary not only for self-realization, but also for a happy life. Decide what you can offer others in terms of:

  • obtaining new skills and abilities;
  • psychological support;
  • material values.

A combination of answers to the questions "Why?" "What do I want and can give to others?" gives the very meaning without which full satisfaction from work cannot be obtained.

Day five. Consideration of personal experience and awareness of their desires

Personal experience gives a lot. Over the years of your life, you have already repeatedly tried yourself in different types of activities, so the idea of what really turns out is already there. Successful experience gives self-confidence, failures suggest which path is better to avoid.

Happy people who have already found their recognition know: with faith in your own strength you can find everything, you only need knowledge, perseverance and time. Write down all of your accomplishments. Think about which ones bring you a sense of inner satisfaction. After carefully working out all your attempts to do something, you will find clues. They will lead you to your calling.

You can find such clues by analyzing what you liked:

  • at school;
  • At the institute;
  • at the previous places of work;
  • when doing household chores.

The difference between this list and others will be orientation towards their own experience.

Sixth day. Assess your talents and skills

Each person has a talent in some area. Think about what you do best, where it was easy to achieve heights and achievements. There will be an area in which you feel comfortable. You can take a psychological test to help you identify your talents. Many of them are available on the Internet for free.

Again, a notebook will help in this exercise. Make a list of requests or appeals to you. If such work is difficult, ask your friends and acquaintances about it. Let them answer one question: "What would you be deprived of if we never met?" Your talents and abilities will definitely set the right direction in finding your destiny.

Seventh day. Analysis of the information received

Read everything you wrote down in your notebook. Pay special attention to items that are repeated several times, seem to be the most useful, elicit an emotional response. Choose 10 items from each list. Divide them into four groups:

  • field of activity;
  • essence;
  • conditions;
  • qualities and skills.

Add to this a description of the ideal lifestyle, your opinion about the desire to give something to others.

There is not so much left to evaluate your role in society when performing work related to vocation, to analyze your talents. These items do not need to be rushed. Try to find the main answer to the generated query. If you want to connect a vocation with a job, evaluate all entries "from the outside". Become a Career Guidance Specialist: Which Professions Fit Your Calling?

Now it remains to assess the reality. Develop a strategy and plan for change to achieve new goals. If changing jobs is scary, start with a hobby.
