The loss of a work book can turn into serious troubles for its owner. The restoration of this document takes time and effort, so it should be dealt with immediately after the discovery of the loss.

Think about whose fault and under what circumstances the book was lost. If it disappeared during the period when you were officially employed, it means that it happened through the fault of the employer. Please note: even if an employee of the HR department gave it to you, and you lost it, the employer will still be to blame. The fact is that while a person works in an organization, he can only be given a certified copy of the book, but not the work book itself. In this case, all the hassle of restoring the document falls on the employer.
If the employer dismisses an employee, but at the same time refuses to issue his work book or take measures to restore it, then you need to urgently go to court. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a fine for each day the employer retains the employment record of a dismissed employee.
If you yourself have lost your work book, urgently start restoring it. Contact the last organization in which you officially worked and ask for a new labor one. You will have to write an application, and within 15 days after submitting it, the former employer will have to issue you a new work book.
In the event that the organization in which you worked before no longer exists, you will have to independently bypass all former employers with a request to issue you with written confirmation of work experience. Then visit the State Archives. There you will be given documents confirming your work experience in already liquidated organizations.
You can also contact the Pension Fund. Every employer who officially hires an employee registers an employment contract with him. Thus, you can get all the information you need for free 10 days after submitting an application to the Pension Fund and restore your work book.