If you don't have a job, then this is no reason to despair. You can always register with the employment center. Its specialists will try to help you find a job. However, quite often people are faced with the problem of how to get off the register at the employment center. As a rule, this happens in cases where the job was found independently.

- certificate from work;
- certificate confirming your changed social status
Step 1
If you have found a job on your own, then it is quite easy to deregister at the employment center. Bring the specialists of this center a certificate from the accounting department from your main place of work that you are employed and receive a salary. On the basis of such a document, you will be removed from the database of people looking for work. But this is valid only if you got a job under an employment contract without a work book.
Step 2
Your task is simplified if you get a job in an organization where a work book is needed. In this case, you will need to take a certificate from the HR department of the company in which you were employed, stating that you are accepted and start your duties. You must bring it to your inspector from the employment center in order for him to give you back your documents, including your work. Together with the issuance of papers, you will be simultaneously removed from the register.
Step 3
In addition, you can simply come to the employment center and personally write a statement that you no longer need the services of its specialists. After that you will be removed from the register and your documents will be returned.
Step 4
By law, you are required to visit the employment center at certain intervals and follow all the recommendations of specialists. If you miss several required attendances, then you will be automatically deregistered.
Step 5
Also, you will be removed from the register if you fit the following categories of workers. These are the ones who were reinstated on his former working dream by a court order; those who went to study at a higher educational institution that presupposes separation from production; those who became retired during the registration at the employment center. In all these cases, you need to provide certain certificates confirming your changed status.