The student's resume is an integral part of the portfolio that is collected throughout the school's "career". It will help a ninth-grader to choose a profile 10th grade and determine the scope of further work.

Step 1
The resume format may vary slightly in each school, but it is created based on a standard template.
Step 2
At the very beginning of the document, you need to write your personal data. First, write your last name, first name and patronymic in the nominative case. Then write your place of birth and home address in full.
Step 3
After that, enter your contact details. Home and cell phone numbers, e-mail address.
Step 4
The next paragraph of the resume is information about the place of your study. Write the full address of the school: area name, city, street, house number, and zip code. Also indicate the class in which you are studying.
Step 5
Further, the resume is filled in according to the sample of a standard resume of a job seeker. First, you need to write about the place (s) of receiving general secondary education. If you have attended several schools, fill out their list with a table. In the first column, write the years of study at the school you are currently attending, in the second - its number and full address, grade. If you received additional education, mention it (courses, seminars, etc.) by filling in this way.
Step 6
The next column is work experience. Write down the place and time of work, your position and responsibilities. Additionally, indicate what results you have achieved during the specified period. Consider your achievements in the context of the development of the entire company - this will show how you know how to work in a team. You can also say about the experience of community service. All places of employment are listed in reverse chronological order.
Step 7
Finally, write about your additional skills. This can be the level of computer skills, knowledge of languages, etc. You can also write about your passions, hobbies, interests, and the subjects that are best for you to study.
Step 8
Design your finished resume in a consistent style. Set the Times New Roman font to 14 point size. Highlight the subheading of each paragraph in bold.