The import, sale or production of certain types of goods requires their documentation and appropriate registration with the state authorities of the Russian Federation. The registration procedure is quite expensive and bureaucratic.

Step 1
Make sure that your product is included in the list of products subject to mandatory state registration of Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you can visit the official website of this state body. If your product is not included in this list, then in certain cases you can issue an expert opinion on its compliance with hygienic and sanitary-epidemiological requirements and standards.
Step 2
Prepare a list of documents on the basis of which the state registration takes place. You can also check all these documents on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor.
Step 3
Please note that state registration can be drawn up both by the applicant himself and by an authorized third-party organization. A legal entity that has the authority to conduct registration completes these procedures faster, since its employees have the appropriate experience and the necessary knowledge (and connections). Naturally, these firms do not work for free.
Step 4
Apply with all these documents to Rospotrebnadzor or one of its territorial bodies. It should be noted that the state registration of goods is a rather lengthy process. In some cases, be prepared to spend more than two months, which will only take laboratory research. These studies can be carried out exclusively in special laboratories that have passed accreditation. Then about another month will be taken by other procedures related directly to the registration of the certificate of state registration. In addition, product registration is a rather expensive procedure.
Step 5
In case of a positive decision, receive a certificate of state registration of goods. Now information about your product is entered in the State Register.