Every person starts the morning with a wash, which uses soap - liquid or solid. This cosmetic product accompanies humanity from the very beginning of civilization, helping to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

Step 1
Since soap is a product for which there is a constant demand, its production is a demanded business both for large industrial production, and for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Step 2
Until recently, almost any product was subject to mandatory certification. In market conditions, the state replaces administrative barriers for business in the form of a mandatory certification procedure for declaring the conformity of manufactured products to technical regulations and standards.
Step 3
If you are engaged in the production of this product, then resolve the issue of obtaining a certificate for soap. First, develop technical specifications for its manufacture, in which indicate the production process, the raw materials used and their composition.
Step 4
Contact the Rospotrebnadzor laboratory to conduct research and issue a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on soap, as well as a production permit.
Step 5
Prepare a package of necessary documents for the certification body: certificates of state registration and registration issued by the tax inspectorate, a certificate from the Rosstat department on the assignment of statistical codes, documents on ownership of the production facility - a certificate of ownership or a lease agreement, technical conditions, as well as laboratory conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor.
Step 6
Fill out a declaration of conformity confirming compliance with mandatory standards and regulations.
Step 7
Contact an accredited certification body for a certificate of conformity.
Step 8
Enter into a certification agreement with the certification body and pay for the services.
Step 9
At the end of the term specified in the contract, you will receive a certificate of conformity and you can work.