According to the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Company", a board of directors may be created at the enterprise. It should include those persons who inspire confidence in the shareholders of the company. The Supervisory Board makes decisions regarding the activities of the company, and also organizes the effective work of all divisions and departments.

Step 1
First of all, think about which category of directors you want to join - independent, non-executive or executive directors. The directors of the first category are mainly involved in making important decisions, working out the company's development strategy, assessing the work of departments and divisions. If you want to enter this category, you should be aware that only those employees who have not held a managerial position in the past three years are included. In order to become an independent director, you need to show yourself on the good side, and the presence of a higher education or a PhD degree will also be a plus.
Step 2
The executive director develops and implements the strategic plans of the enterprise, organizes the operational activities of the company. The non-executive director is not part of the organization's staff; he is a consultant or representative of shareholders. Therefore, not everyone can join the supervisory staff as a non-executive director. Basically, such positions are held by representatives of shareholders.
Step 3
If you want to join the board of directors, write a statement addressed to the chairman of the meeting of the company. Your desire will be considered at the meeting of shareholders, that is, a cumulative vote will take place, the results of which are drawn up in the form of a protocol. Remember that only an individual can become a director, and it is not at all necessary that you be a shareholder.
Step 4
To be elected by the congregation, you must have an impeccable reputation. Establish yourself as a responsible and communicative employee. Additional education will be a huge plus. Improve your knowledge, participate in seminars. Try to make an intellectual contribution to the organization, such as offering a strategic plan or a solution to a problem.